Switch up your pizza routine by ditching the red sauce. Slather on some creamy ricotta instead, followed by your favorite cheeses for topping. Martha made...
Another variation on the theme of almost-instant tarts, this one combining a lovely creaminess with a certain piquancy from the Roquefort. (Perfect for...
Tuck berries into flaky pastry for sweets that are good enough to give -- but better to keep. The recipe is extra easy, and once the pies are baked, you...
Lemon on a pizza? Teamed with red onion and two Italian cheeses (Piave and fontina), it makes a uniquely delicious topping. Martha made this recipe on...
For a broccoli side dish that's all grown up, embrace this brassica's best qualities, like its grassy, earthy sweetness, via the flavor-concentrating powers...
Panzanella salad is a rustic easy-to-make Italian dish, made with stale bread, soaked in water and vinegar, plus tomatoes, cucumbers, onion and basil....
This is such a lovely soup. The sweetness of the parsnips is sharpened by the presence of the apple, and the subtle flavour of the spices comes through...
Round out your holiday menu with this striking side. These slow-roasted red onions are stuffed with a breadcrumb-parsley filling that is basted with the...
This stuffing was adapted from a recipe by Dennis and Judy Mareb of Windy Hill Farm in Massachusetts. They have been featured before in our magazine and...
Need a meatless one-pot dinner? Try this tasty cross between ratatouille and shakshuka. Japanese eggplants, red peppers, and cherry tomatoes are roasted...
You can substitute all-purpose flour for semolina flour. The best way to put the pizzas in the oven is with a pizza peel, a flat, shovel-like tool. Prepare...
Our classic souffle takes its rich flavor from high-quality bittersweet chocolate and cocoa powder; the last-minute addition of whisked egg whites keeps...
In the November 1996 issue of Living, we baked mini frittatas in muffin tins. Now we're cutting to the chase (and making post-party cleanup easier) by...
There is 1 oz (25 g) lentils in this recipe, which is a very small amount to cook in one go. So you could cook more and use them the next day for something...
These heavenly little dumplings are as light as a cloud, have a touch of earthy sweetness, and fit the bill for a quintessential fall-season meal. After...
Swiss chard, a member of the beet family, has bumpy, dark-green leaves and white or red stalks and veins. We use green chard with white stems in this recipe...
Our recipe was inspired by one for the fried Russian pastries known as khvorost (or twigs). Piled high on a serving platter and dusted with confectioners...
Waffles aren't just for breakfast! These decadent treats are ideal for a whimsical dessert -- add a scoop of your favorite ice cream for an extra bit of...
Airy and elegant, just as one would expect, these individual desserts surprise with the pleasantly bitter tang of red grapefruit and fresh ginger. Rest...
A colorful mix of grilled vegetables-bell peppers, onion, and Broccolini-is packed into a hoagie that gets a toasty crust on the grill but stays pillowy-soft...
The batter for these cloudlike fritters is flecked with lemon zest for a flavor that's subtle rather than sharp. A side of cool, satiny lemon curd for...
I've made many a macaroni cheese in my time, but this, I promise you, is the best ever. To make this for 4 people, just double the ingredients and use...
Possibly the ultimate pizza recipe, the combination of tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, and basil proves that simplicity is beautiful. Martha and Christian...
Learn how to make onion fritters (also known as onion latkes) - easy and delicious vegetarian recipe. These onion fritters are crispy on the outside and...
Khaliyat an-anhel means "beehive" in Arabic and lends its name to this impressive-looking dessert. Once baked, the fluffy buns nestled tightly in the pan...
The key to success with this recipe is to look for deep-green artichokes that are heavy for their size with tightly shut leaves; artichokes are best cooked...
Potato gnocchi are simple to make from scratch, but light-as-air results require a few secrets: use russets for a floury (not waxy) texture, then bake...
When we made these tartlets for the photography, we couldn't stop eating them! Crisp, light pastry with such a luscious filling - and also lovely as a...